REALTYnuance for Brokers
Why a paperless office
How does providing your salespeople a value added services and at the same time reducing your costs sound? How about freeing up administrative staff and at the same time giving salespeople the power to manage transactions.
With all deals automatically sent directly to the accounting software with minimal data entry required, it means real estate really becomes more about 'Anytime, Anywhere'.
- unlimited online storage
- all past transactions are archived online for easy accessibility later on
- access anytime, anywhere
- access to all files online
- quick search functionality
- audit trail on all documentation; sent, received etc.
- auto-population eliminates that redundant data entry
- all data is pulled directly from the Board via RETS integration
- deal sheets are auto-populated, simple to use and are no longer submitted incomplete
- all data is automatically sent directly the accounting software
- NO data entry required
- all updates are processed via the online Dealsheet;
- eliminates post-it notes,
- eliminates numerous phone calls from the agents
- eliminates the “I gave it to you on Friday” routine!
- all documents are sent to conveyance via our REALTYnuance DEALKIT digitally
- notifications and reminders are automatically generated and sent to the agent and their clients
- administrative email accounts allow for single sign on for multiple branch locations
- also for email/fax capability
- lawyers and notaries receive faxes / email directly from the administrator’s email.
- forward thinking agents will gravitate to the added benefits of handling their business more efficiently. a great way to differentiate your office from the competition.
- site administration
- add new users
- grant agent access
- supervise agent transactions anywhere, anytime
- manage or update agent accounts
- update lawyer and notary contacts
- agent user tracking
It’s not just about complying, it’s about being able to prove you have.
As you know, in what was a politically expedient action, the BC Provincial Government, withdrew self-regulation from the real estate industry in BC, without prior consultation with the industry.
It is fair to say that while most of the industry agreed that the IAG recommendations were welcomed, and long overdue, implementation by experienced practitioners would have been best for the industry and for consumer protection.
However, what we now have is implementation by lawyers, bureaucrats and consumer advocates with bankruptcy level penalties in place.
From a Managing Broker’s perspective, the most significant change will be, what some are calling , onerous supervisory responsibilities, specifically regarding transactions. And these responsibilities commence, not at an accepted offer, but right from the beginning and all the way through the transaction. If your individual and team REALTOR®’s transactions are in the trunk of their cars, home or office filing cabinets or various online accounts such as DropBox, OneDrive, then supervision to the new standard will be impossible.
What the government may have unwittingly done is ended paper based real estate transactions in BC.
As a REALTYnuance customer, you have a significant head start on your competitors, even if many of your salespeople are only using RN to submit dealsheets. What you now need to do is move every salesperson in your office to full use of RN from the beginning of the transaction and we’re here to help.
We have done a series of presentations to RN customer sales meetings to help you drive home the point to your sales people that this is not a business as usual environment, plus we are running monthly training sessions online. Give us a call. We'd be happy to speak at one of your office meetings.
Remember, in this new regulatory environment, it’s not just about complying, it’s about being able to prove you have.
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